Monday, June 2, 2014

Spring Final and Translation (Taipei)

This is my spring semester final presentation from last week. This time I actually went through the trouble of translating it into English, which was actually harder than I thought it would be. I debated whether just making it a general translation (easier) or really trying to stick to the original meaning of what I wrote (harder). I went with the latter as a challenge, and as a result of English might sound a little funny. Actually, this really made me better understand the reasons for a lot of the mistakes or grammatical correct but strange sounding sentences I’ve seen in papers written in English by Chinese students. Also, I had more information/photos in a PowerPoint that elaborated on some of the things that I said, so that would also account for any overly general or strange parts of the speech. Also, I think it’s funny how the English looks WAY longer, even though I painstakingly tried not to add any superfluous meaning that’s not in the original.







The Silk Road and Religion

Today I will discuss the Silk Road and religion. This is not a speech based on academic research, but rather a speech based on my personal travel experiences. A few years ago, I was in Xi’an studying Chinese history, especially the history of the Silk Road. In order to better understand this history, my classmates and I visited places connected with the Silk Road. We took a plane from Xi’an to Xinjiang, and started our journey from Kashgar.

The first few days in Xinjiang, we went to see Lake Karakul’s beautiful scenery. We also went to the desert to ride camels and climb sand dunes. During this time, I was predictably most interested in what we were eating, but the things we saw were also very interesting.*

We had already studied religions spread by the Silk Road back in Xi’an. We had also already realized that despite the destructive forces of the last century, you can still see religious sites, even the role that religion plays in modern society. In Xinjiang, we not only had the opportunity to better understand religious history, we also had the opportunity to better understand the current religious situation, particularly the role of Islam. During this time, I was very interested in how the government represents religion. Generally speaking, the history and religion we studied in class frequently did not coincide with the description panels at religious and historical sites. This really made me realize how a government can use history to consolidate power.

From Xinjiang province we went to Qinghai province, and then arrived in Gansu province. During this time, we encountered a few problems, and everyone started getting tired, but we had many fresh experiences: we played basketball with Tibetan monks, watched how they paint Thangkas, and rode Tibetan ponies. We also visited a lama (Tibetan Buddhist religious figure/leader). According to convention, we could not allow our backs to face the lama at any time, whether entering or leaving,because to do so is disrespectful. My classmates and I followed this rule, but after we left, a few classmates voiced their complaints/criticisms. Because the lama was still a child, they did not understand how people could defer to him to such an extent. According to a student who did not believe in any religion, every religion’s followers are being duped, but I don’t agree. Every religion has its own logic, it’s just that from an outsider’s perspective, the motives of every religion’s practices are maybe not very obvious. I don’t believe in any particular religion, but I understand that religion comforts people, and also facilitates connections between people. Establishing these connections can also help make the process of commercial exchange more smooth, so one can see that the Silk Road not only help spread religion, but also that religion maybe facilitated the Silk Road’s development.

My speech has finished here, thank you everyone.

*This sentence felt oddly generic to me but it was the result of changes one of my teachers made。。。so I went with it – actually, a lot of the sentences in our textbooks feel kind of generic/broad to me, but I don’t know if that’s simply a feeling I get because of differences between English and Chinese or because it’s an aspect of the style of academic writing/speeches – a lot of the text content is written as academic speeches/lectures - or simply a characteristic our particular textbooks. Or just because my Chinese isn’t advanced enough for something more complicated...'s a one of my practice videos (I recorded myself a few times so I could better identify my pronunciation problems...especially the fourth tone, third tone combo which killed me...I practiced saying "li4shi3" - "history" - so many times but it's still really hard for me to force myself to say it correctly).

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you've made some real progress! Congratulations. Bet you're glad this is done before Julia and Mom get there!

